How To Get Mildew Stains Off Of Pop Up Camper Canvas

DIY Project -  I found this 1988 Coleman Newport Popup Camper for $600. I took a chance purchasing it, not knowing if I could get the mildew stains off of the  inside top canvas bunkends. It was pretty unsightly, but the price was right and it had brand new tires and a new spare. 

I did a lot of searches online. Vinegar did not work, nor did expensive mildew canvas cleaner.  In order to help someone else with similar popup camper problems, this blog post will be about how I finally found an easy way to take care of these mildew stains. 

The top part is before. 

You will need a bottle or two of  "Clorox Clean-Up Spray", a brush with nylon brissles, plastic tarp, rubber gloves, safety goggles to keep the chemicals from getting in your eyes. Also have a water hose nearby. 

Open up the camper a foot or so. Just enough to get the canvas out. Turn the canvas inside out by flipping it over the top. "Tuck in the sides" under the part we will clean. We do not want the "clorox clean up spray" to touch the side fabric ...  it could damage the waterproofing. (if it does, rinse with water asap)

Before starting, push the tarp in over the bed cushions and let it hang off. This will let the water run off without wetting the inside of the camper.  Spray clorox product on about a two square ft area. Let it soak a few seconds, then use a nylon scrub brush and scrub with a circular motion. Gently rinse with low stream of water. To prevent early deterioration, we don't want the bleach product to stay too long. 

Repeat this process in sections until you are satisfied. After the final rinse, stretch out canvas to dry. I used two yard chairs to prop up the ends to give more air flow. If the woven sides  happen to get a little wet, don't worry. Just check that they don't loose their shape when drying. 


note:  I did "not" clean the other side, the vinyl side, (outside bunkend top).  It is more delicate. At some point it will need a "special" vinyl protector spray. 

After cleaning both ends of the camper and allowing to completly dry.... I raised the camper and found there were parts of the canvas that had caught the run-off when rinsing the outside and wasn't cleaned. 


I was hesitant to use the bleach spray inside, so I opted for "Shout" "Advanced" stain remover and Lysol bathroom foam spray. It took a lot more scrubbing though.  I covered the bed with plastic and used the brush as before. I had to gently rinse using a spray bottle of water and a sponge. Leaving any cleaning product in,  can cause premature deterioration. I placed a large fan inside to remove the fumes and to help dry the fabric.
It is completely clean. (note : The picture shows shadows from tree branches above. )

Other than a few little cosmetic things, which is normal for a camper this old.... we have been very satisfied with this little camper. 

                                            Happy Campers!

                             How to get mildew stains off of popup camper canvas

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