Children's Portraits, Goldfish bowl setup

    *The quality of the images did not reproduce very well in this blog.

"Yikes!" Don't eat the fish!!!
How to take children studio portraits using goldfish bowl

Setup: I placed three or four plain cheerios in the water that floated. He first looks up at us like "really? I can put my hand in here?" We coax him to eat a cheerio which he did with no hesitation. 

Another photographer gave me the "goldfish photoshop layer". 
 Photo 1 and 2 was easy enough. The 3rd photo consisted of layering the the fish over his fingers, then erasing part of it so the fingers appear to be on top. 

This is a fun portrait. I am amused at the people who think he really ate the fish, or that we would let him. 

My Studio Lighting setting for children

white background metered f-11 both sides behind subject
Subject and camera f.5.6

Have a great day! 
Thanks for stopping by the "porch".

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